Friday, March 2, 2018

Arnold Goes To Disney, Day 0

Shoes all ready for tomorrow morning!
Well, if it isn't me in the spotlight again!  Your favorite traveling sea turtle named Arnold!  Woot woot, here we go!

Actually, I have no idea where exactly we are going.  I just know that we are going somewhere, and my human kiddos are really excited.  They call it "Disneywand" or something like that.  Whatever it is, they are seriously pumped.

They told me a few days ago, when they themselves got the news about the trip.  I am not sure what they are most excited about, going to this Disney-place or going on an airplane.  They have been on an airplane before, of course, but they don't remember, which is good because they screamed and traumatized all their fellow passengers and their parents.  It's taken almost 4 years before the parents are ready to let them get back on a place.  I digress.

Church this morning, the kiddos
love to match each other 
I, however, have never been on a plane, and I am not sure what I think about that. Is it ok for a sea turtle to be skeptical about flying?  I mean, God didn't make air-turtles.  This just isn't natural.

Well, the Mama-bear has organized everything, but she's still probably forgetting a few things.  She does that.  A lot, actually. The Papa Bear is away in Arizona on a missions trip, and the Grandma Bear (that the human kiddos call Ma'Bee) is taking the baby bears and the mama bear down to Disneywand. And I get to go!  I'm so happy the baby bears thought to petition for my presence.  So kind of them.

We leave tomorrow morning bright and early.  Actually, dark and early.  Too early for me.  I don't think I'll have come out of my shell before then.  Silly humans.  They should really wait until the sun is high before they try flying.  Sigh.

This other creature that thinks he's going too.
Another creature tried to pass himself off as a companion like me, but it's not working.  I don't think he'll be packed.  I'm feeling pretty special right now.

Time to climb into my shell and get some rest.  Tomorrow morning is gonna come way too early!

With anticipation,

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