Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Leg-warmers on Goats, And Other Scatterbrained Thoughts

I may or may not have been playing with blocks.
The Ethiopian courts open again in 8 days.  Since our case has already been approved, I’m praying we’ll be assigned a court date within a week or so after that.  A few of the adoptive-mom friends I was talking to this past week said they were given about 2 weeks notice to get to Ethiopia for their first trip.  Theoretically we could be in-country within 3-4 weeks!

It feels strangely familiar to be “waiting” again, waiting for something completely outside our control. The difference this time is that we have a realistic timeline, a estimated “end” date, and a ton to do in the meantime!

It seems like there are always new things to do or think about.  What kind of formula would be best for the kids?  Are there any formulas without sugars?  I've been told to avoid soy, too.  What kinds of baby food do we travel with?  Which baby foods don’t have a bunch of added sugar?  (Yeah, I have a ‘thing’ against sugar!) What about hair care for my daughter?  Anya will have some unique needs (dry scalp, and coarse, frizzy curls).  Wh
at will we do in-country?  Where do we stay?  How do we hire a driver, and what is a reasonable daily rate?  What kinds of things should we take the time to see?  How difficult and expensive is it to travel to our kids’ hometown?  How do we set up that transportation?  It would sure be nice to visit a national park while we’re there (lions and monkeys and zebras, oh my!), but which one?  How do we get there?  How long do we stay, and can we afford it?  One mom suggested adding plastic diaper covers to the registry to help contain diaper blow-outs.  Another mom suggested breast-milk banks to avoid formula altogether, which launches me into a research project about how to pasturize breast milk.  A few folks recommended goat’s milk.  Great, maybe I should raise goats, too.
The bizarre, wonderful guy I married

I’ve been hanging out in the book of Proverbs looking for child-raising advice and verses that I can use to help train and guide my kids to know and love God.  I’m also in the middle of 3 other parenting books, and am procrastinating on doing laundry.  Indeed, I am highly skilled at forgetting about laundry.  No, laundry has nothing to do with parenting books. 

I've been meaning to write a blog post about our adoption puzzle fundraiser. I’d love to finish that puzzle up and be able to put it on the wall. Money is awkward, of course, so maybe I’ll procrastinate on that, too.  It would be
huge to have the rest of that puzzle completed so we have airfare money for the second trip.

My two younger brothers moved out this past week, so I also get to reclaim parts of my house that I forgot existed.  My mom is asking about curtain rods for the kids’ room, and I should pull out my suitcase and start packing.  Oh, and are there water bottles that can purify water for us while we’re out of the States?  Need to research those, too.  
Coffee from Uncle Kurt and Auntie Sadie

A friend gave Anya an
adorable giraffe-print skirt, (reminding me I might add leg warmers to the baby registry?).  Another friend gave us a pound of Ethiopian coffee and a small mug.

I was blessed to meet two other adoptive moms this past week, both with kiddos from Ethiopia. It was so fun to hear about their experiences and see how their small people have transitioned so well into their lives and homes.  

I was excited to talk to my grandmother last week and hear her enthusiasm for her great-grandkids.  Her Sunday school class at church has been holding our entire family in prayer through this process.

All in all, the last couple of weeks have been relaxing, in a physical sense.  My brain, however, is going nuts.  Pardon me as I put diaper covers on formula, put legwarmers on goats, and raise water bottles that do laundry.


  1. Sad to take away so much from a childs heritage by renaming them. Why not keep names? I was adopted into a white family and my family renamed me, as I was older I found out my birth family named me my name for very personal reasons that tied me into the family tree. Just because their names are not typical-blonde-hair-blue-eyed names doesn't mean they need a new name.They were named their names for a reason that ties them into their birth family tree, or atleast writes a huge part of their story. Why name them names that they will never be able to blend in with their birth country? If their names are truly to hard to say why not give them an easier to say name from their country? I know an Ethiopian girl with the name Ayana it meant beautiful and another name Beti. Hell I know an two Ethiopian men with the name Tesfa and Brook-both ethiopian easy to say names.

    Good luck with your children.

    1. Well, I appreciate your input, anonymous friend. :) We do plan on keeping our kids' birth names as their middle names, so if they choose to be called by their birth names as they grow older, that will be perfectly fine with us. :) I'm sure that every family, both birth and adoptive, have put much time and thought into the decisions they make, especially as it pertains to a name. :)

  2. Yay, I made the blog entry! :) I'm soooo excited for these babies to get home! Oh, and you should leave two 8x10 spaces available in their room because I'm working on a welcome home present for them... ;)

  3. I love this post. Especially the last sentence! Hahahaha. So can relate. Good luck Momma. May your Papa guide you diaper by diaper, goat by goat. :):)
